New research is showing that there is a link between gluten and your brain and your neurological function.
I have always connected gluten with gut function. Gluten is regarded like “glue” that sticks together.
Gluten allergies affects the gut with symptoms like indigestion, diarrhoea, and uncomfortable bloating.
However, some researchers are saying that gluten sensitivity is a neurological illness that can cause brain damage.
There is a direct connection between your gut and your brain through neurotransmitters like dopamine.
The foods we eat, and our gut health has direct link that affects our brain health.
Therefore reduction of gluten in your diet may reverse some neurological symptoms.
Brain fog and gluten
Gluten may affect nervous system (especially people with celiac disease and sensitivity to gluten) including learning disorders, depression and headaches.
Brain fog can be described as a state of being excessively “spaced out,” or an inability to concentrate or remember simple things due to gluten ingestion. Some may refer to it as mental fatigue, forgetfulness, grogginess, being detached, or mental confusion.
Enteric glial cells (in your gut) stimulate astroglial cells (in your brain immune cells).
This process can cause neurological inflammation if there are gut sensitivities. These symptoms may include depression, brain fog, memory loss, anxiety, irritability, dementia, reduced ability in cognitive function and poor concentration.
Other physiological symptoms can be digestive problems like diarrhoea and bloating, chronic fatigue and skin complications like rash and skin inflammation.
Have you ever heard of gluten ataxia, meaning that immune cells attack the nervous system due to indigestion of gluten? People with antibodies to gluten can have the reaction of immune system to attack their brain tissue.
This cross-reaction happens because gluten and brain tissue have similar, almost identical amino acid trains.
Sounds terrible, doesn’t it?
Migraines and Gluten
Have you ever thought of the connection between migraines (worse than a normal headaches) and gluten?
According to research review (published in the World Journal of Gastroenterology) gluten is very immune-reactive food item that can trigger neurological dysfunction.
New research has revealed that gluten and migraine has a connection in triggering headaches caused by “gut-brain” bidirectional connection between your gastrointestinal tract and the central nervous system.
Gluten-free diet may be significant factor in reducing migraines and other symptoms.
If you have any symptoms related to gluten sensitivity like a brain fog, why not try gluten free diet, and see how it works for you?
Gluten-free diet reverses symptoms
Amazing news is that a strict gluten-free diet can reverse the symptoms. This is wonderful to hear!
Several studies have shown improvement in psychiatric symptoms with gluten-free diet.
A gluten-free diet may avoid neurological disorders including migraines, depression and epilepsy.
Wheat is a combination of 100 different substances that can cause a reaction, not just one. Standard testing of allergens may not be accurate in diagnosing allergies.
Pure form of wheat grain is gut friendly, whereas processed wheat like bleached white flour may contain unfriendly gluten.
Intermittent fasting has been proven to be scientifically a healthy way to improve your gut and overall health. Through fasting your body gets to rest from overworking especially the digestive system.
When your body is fasting, the cells have a better opportunity to revive and be renewed. It eliminates dysfunctional cells and creates new cells. It also repairs and improves the gut lining.
Alkaline diet, which means having less acidic food items in your diet, helps your gut lining too. Having an alkaline environment in the gut, helps enteric glial cells to heal the gut lining.
Plant-based diet full of fresh fruit and vegetables including nuts and legumes are the basis of the alkaline diet. You can easily have a diet full of fresh vegetables, fruit and nuts and beans. The only challenge may come with all ready-made foods, processed foods and take-aways due to oils, sugar content and additives and preservatives. Therefore, fresh food is always best.
For example, blueberries have been scientifically proven to inhibit the stimulation of inflammatory proteins.
And as a bonus it is gluten-free too!
Dairy is another substance that may cross-react with gluten which means that immune system may interfere because of similar amino acids. Dairy products may need to be eliminated from the diet also.
Luckily there are many wonderful alternatives to gluten-free dairy products made out of soya and coconut.
If there was something you could do to alleviate negative symptoms in your body and gain supernatural health, you would do it, wouldn’t you?