As a matter of fact, The Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA) for protein is a modest 0.8 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight.

If you weigh 100 kg then the RDA is only 80g of protein per day. RDA is the amount of a nutrients you need to meet your basic nutritional requirements.

Men need 20-30 of grams of protein each meal, whereas women need 15-20 of grams of protein each meal which equals for the daily consumption is 80-90g for men and <60g for women.

Excessive protein intake can be harmful

High consumption of meat and dairy products makes your body very acidic. Acidity is not ideal for maintaining optimal health.

Excessive protein intake may put a strain in your kidneys; people with kidney failure must restrict the intake of protein.

Did you know about the toxicity of meat?

Red meat has higher concentration of toxins (pesticides, drugs, antibiotics, chemicals, toxic residue) and it is stored in animal fat. If you eat the animal fat, same toxins goes into your body tissue & stored up in your fat cells/storage)

White meat is better but not perfect; any toxins are stored up in the fat and you cannot eat fat-free meat. If the toxins you eat aren’t filtered through your liver, they end up in your fat cells and fatty tissue.

Food irradiation is a processing and preservation technique with similar results to freezing or pasteurisation. During this procedure, the food is exposed to doses of ionising energy, or radiation. At low doses, irradiation extends a product’s shelf life.

While irradiation food is considered to be safe for consumption, it does not eliminate toxins.

Studies have shown for chromosomal damage after eating irradiated food (symptoms will go away when not eating irradiated foods) Irradiation destroys 95% of Vitamin A in chicken, 86% of vitamin B in oats, 70% of vitamin C in fruit juices. It also reduces essentials fatty acids, amino acids, friendly bacteria and enzymes in food.

What protein should I choose?

Choose organic, lean cuts, hormone-free, grilled without ”char”, free range options for your meat.

Chicken breast/ Turkey (lean meat) is recommended 😊 Remember all toxins are stored in fat…

When preparing the meat cut off the fat, don’t deep-fry..and don’t eat the char…

Char= benzopyrene which is a carcinogen & associated with colorectal cancer 😓

Fish may contain mercury but is a great source of Omega-3-oil: choose a fish with shiny scales, flesh should spring back, not smelly, kept on ice: recommended fish is wild salmon, sardines, sea bass, snapper, trout, whiting 🐠🐟

Your body, your choice when it comes to nourishing your body

How about dairy products and protein?

Dairy products often associated with ear infections, excessive mucous formation, sinus infections, allergies, sensitivities, rashes, excema, fatique

Dairy products pasteurized by heating denatures milk enzymes making them more difficult to digest

They are full of saturated fats that are associated with high cholesterol and heart diseases

Cheese is 75% fat, Milk 3-4%, Butter 81%; concentrated amounts of fat have toxins and pesticide residues.

However, Milk, cheese and yoghurt have various health benefits and are a good source of many nutrients, including calcium, protein, iodine, vitamin A, vitamin D, riboflavin, vitamin B12 and zinc.

Consider goat milk, (fewer allergies & sensitivies ) even in the bible it was referred to goats milk not cow’s milk (Proverb 27:27)😄

Choose organic, skim-milk , low-fat yoghurt and preferably goat milk based.

Ice-cream is unfortunately high in sugar & saturated fat which is best avoided…😓 but there are many yummy alternatives to ice-cream and cheese…Yey!